martes, 14 de abril de 2009

Boule de Suif

3 comentarios:

  1. Just wonderful the way you interpreted the story.
    With just 3 pics and some words you made me remember the whole story and the feelings I experienced while reading it.

    I have to say you did an excellent work!



  2. Absolutely great the way you associated a novel with words and phrases.
    I hope you have enjoyed doing a blog just like me.
    Good luck!!! Maricel

  3. That's a graet poster to interpret Guy de Maupassant's story... It can be quite shoking and cruel sometimes but he could show reality very well... like you could catch the essence of the story in a few words and mainly in Ghandi's words, that's a great phrase to remember...
    I think you did a hell of job...
