The sort of love story between London, or even England and water dates back to imperial times. The ruler of the sea, the queen of the oceans was, at all times, England. London would be the operations center, the communion between the source of power: a wealthy nation and its
means to conquer: the waters.Pirates, captains, sailors, they all reached London thanks to its waters, and London welcomed them just as she welcomed the waters. There were risks, as there will always be. The threats of floodings, water contamination, deseases, they are all there still.
But then , why the importance of this bound even now? or in the future?
Because, for ever, man has tried to dominate water. Although it is a source of life (man can not live without it), it can kill and it can destroy. Its powerful force has made a walled city out of London, it has buried cities as New Orleans was after the floodings of Kathrina and it has paralised life as the 2005 Indonesia tsunami did.
Not only London, but also all England is surrounded by water. Even when it was what made them rich and famous, it is still what makes them stay in a constant state of warning. Water was there when London was born, it will be there when London is gone.
In this love story, the two lovers dance together holding hands, but when the near is close, they are both waiting for the other to give in.

I love the way you connect events and prior readings to your readings.